Among the recurring events, the museum opens and closes the season in which it is open to the public with two open days.
In early spring, Eco Day: since 2000, this day has been dedicated to promoting awareness and protecting the environment of the Laguna, by cleaning the banks of the waterways around the Lazzaretto Nuovo and other islands, picking up cubic meters of relics of our consumer society washed ashore during the winter months.
In late autumn, Contumacy Day, on the Sunday closest to Good Health Day, November 21, marking the end of the last pestilence to strike Venice, in 1630: the year gone by is narrated in original activities and crowned by a lunch featuring regional specialties, including the “castradina”, a traditional soup made with cabbage and sun-dried mutton.
Special openings will be arranged on the occasion of European Archeology Day in June and European Cultural Heritage Day in September.
Over the years, the scientific conferences organized have included:
- 2015 Lazzaretti Veneziani in Grecia [Venetian lazzaretti in Greece]
Prevention policies of the Republic of Venice, social and sanitary history, commercial and diplomatic relations governing international trade between the sixteenth and eighteenth centuries. A biennial project of data collection and analysis, with the University of Athens and the Venice Hellenistic Institute of Byzantine and Post-Byzantine Studies. - 2013 Lazzaretti Europei [European lazzaretti]
Building a European network of Lazzaretti, which sprang up throughout the Mediterranean over the centuries, as health care facilities and information gathering networks; with the participation of European municipalities containing ancient lazzaretti (from Dubrovnik to Marseilles, from Milan to Ancona). - 2010 Erosione costiera in siti di interesse archeologico [Coastal erosion in sites of archeological interest]
The impact of man’s hand and climate change threatens coastal archeological sites; with the participation of oversight bodies and universities from all over Italy. - 1999 Le isole e i giardini nel paesaggio della Laguna di Venezia [Islands and gardens in the landscape of the Venice laguna]
Gardens over time, the laguna’s natural vegetation, archeological and urban parks, tourist itineraries, conservation of the beaches. Conference on architecture and urban culture; with the IUAV [Venice University Institute of Architecture]. - 1997 A future for the ancient fortifications
Fortifications in the Venice laguna, Adriatic and Mediterranean; history, recovery and reuse. Conference on architecture and urban culture; with the IUAV [Venice University Institute of Architecture].
From 2001 to 2008 the Lazzaretto Nuovo was the destination of the final leg of the cultural cruise “The salt routes”, serving as a nexus for seafaring traditions of the Adriatic and providing safe harbor for historic vessels arriving from the ancient Venetian salt flats, which supplied the Serenissima for centuries.
Between 2001 and 2012 the Tezon Grande and the Torre Massimiliana have been the venue for some concerts by the itinerant Festival Galuppi - I luoghi di Baldassarre, dedicated to the composer from Burano, one of the most influential of the eighteenth century in Italy.