

The Lazzaretti Veneziani project has returned the asset to the citizenry and the general public. It is the fruit of numerous collaborations: the ecomuseum is in continual evolution. Every initiative involving the exploration and valorization of the island and the laguna is carried out thanks to the cooperation of multiple partners: research projects, scholarships and grants, itineraries, restoration, workshops, outdoor education, events, exhibits…

Many public agencies have supported the project targeting the rebirth of the island of Lazzaretto Nuovo over the years, with the ultimate aim of creating a museum, through direct funding or by issuing calls: the Ministry of Culture, the Venice Water Commissioner, the Veneto Region, the European Union, the Municipality of Venice, the Province of Venice

Many Italian and foreign universities visit the island each year: these have chosen the island as a field research outpost:

University of Western Australia di Perth - Centre for Forensic Science
Università per Stranieri di Perugia - Linguistica italiana
Drexel University di Philadelphia - Ingegneria Ambientale
Università IUAV di Venezia
Università Ca' Foscari di Venezia
Università di Padova - Laboratorio di Analisi dei Sistemi Ambientali
Worcester Polytechnic Institute - Venice Project Center
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens - Studi Storici e Archeologici
Politecnico di Torino - Architettura per il Restauro e Valorizzazione del Patrimonio
Università di Bologna - Beni Culturali
Università di Norimberga - Architettura

Projects and affiliations with museums, scientific institutes and Venetian cultural associations:

Museo di Storia Naturale di Venezia
Fondazione Querini Stampalia
Archivio di Stato di Venezia
CNR di Venezia
~ Fondazione Ugo e Olga Levi
~ Ca' d’Oro - Galleria G.Franchetti - "Collezione L.Conton"
~ Archivio Storico delle Arti Contemporanee della Biennale
~ Museo di Torcello - Sezione archeologica
~ Archivio Storico del Patriarcato di Venezia
Istituto Ellenico di Studi Bizantini e Postbizantini di Venezia


Other partnerships and projects:

Dontstop Architettura
~ Fondazione Italia Patria della Bellezza
~ Lions International
~ CAVV-CSV Coordinamento delle Associazioni di Volontariato della Città Metropolitana di Venezia
Cooperativamente - Banca della Marca
Rempart Mission Patrimoine
Venice in Peril Fund
Earthwatch Institute
Compagnia della marineria tradizionale “Il Nuovo Trionfo”
Life Vimine
~ Società Italiana di Geologia Ambientale
Istituto Italiano dei Castelli
Associazione per lo studio della storia postale
Associazione lagunare Kayak Sant’Erasmo
~ Legambiente Riviera del Brenta
~ Guardia Costiera Ausiliaria
~ Associazione Le Dune
~ La Mariegola delle Romagne
~ Associazione Vela al Terzo
~ Associazione Venice Lagoon Plastic Free


After it was decommissioned, in the past 45 years ownership of the Lazzaretto Nuovo has passed through many hands (at first it was national property, recently ownership passed to the Municipality of Venice): neglect and vandalism was halted and a project for the rebirth of the island was begun and continued, as the island was protected and kept under surveillance, thanks to the unflagging dedication of the two associations currently holding the concession. The valorization of the asset led the Ministry of Cultural and Environmental Affairs to recognize the Lazzaretto Nuovo in 1985 as being of particular interest as per Law n. 1089 of 1 June 1939; to its being chosen, in 1997, as the site of the Deposit for archeological materials originating from the laguna of the Authority for Archeology, Fine Arts and Landscape; and in 2001 to the signing of a memorandum of understanding that included, along with responsibility for the protection of the cultural heritage, responsibility for archeological excavations and numerous other shared activities. This unique nature of the participatory ecomuseum project, as well as the presence and efforts of the two associations, have been able to attract and contribute to public and private funding amounting to several million Euro. 

Strumenti redazionali e contenuto evoluto